parent nodes: Elias Blue | PlayerCharacters

Elias Blue

Questionnaire for: Elias Blue/Eli

1. What is your character’s name? Elias Blue
2. What is your character’s physical description? 6ft African American male with black dreads thats in a ponytail. Usually wears his favorite green hoodie with either black, white, or brown pants and rotates between his three pairs of shoes. He’s not ripped but he isn’t in bad shape either. Broad shoulders, always wearing his circular glasses. He also has a patchy beard but a really defined mustache.
3. How old is your character? 21
4. Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? His parents are alive, they support him through means of going to his open mics. His father and mother have a local diner/cafe where Delia’s performs frequently called “Moody Blus” in reference to their favorite song. Both are healthy and well. Just slowly aging due to having a Elias behind born to them relatively young.
5. Who raised you? His parents
6. Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? He has a younger brother Elliot Blu and a older half sister from his father before he met his mother named Anastasia Blu
7. Is your character married or in a serious relationship? He’s currently just talking to one of the staff members at gods parents diner. Her name is Nico Woods.
8. What is your character’s social class? Lower middle class personally because he doesn’t ask his parents for money.
9. How has their upbringing affected their world view? He understands the value of working from helping his parents and seeing how things turned out for his parents. So he knew he needed to get his degree to open his after school art program.
10. What is your character’s profession? Are they good at it? He loves all things artistic, however poetry, music production, and recording vocals are his main three focuses
11. Is your character religious? He’s not deeply religious but does pray often. Feeling that the church takes advantage he reads a bible to study from time to time but isn’t actively part of any religion.
12. Has your character been arrested? What for? He was arrested only time for vandalism during his rebellious years, spray painting corporate pig on the side of maxwell reynolds house (if allowed for backstory purposes)
13. Has your character served in the military? No decided not to go
14. Do you have any friends beyond your fellow rangers? He has three friends he sees outside of ranger stuff. Amanda fey, Ryan brovloski, and Aiden Smith
15. What is your character’s motivation/complications? He simply wants to bring his music/poetry to the world to hopefully bring people together. This he wants to graduate and get funding for a start up after school music program for impoverished kids so they can have something constructive to do after school completely free. But he constantly worries that no matter what he does it won’t work out because her isn’t running hard enough. He has a savior complex and if he lets anyone down he takes it personally. Even if he knows it’s wrong. One he feels indebted to you he works hard to pay you back
16. How did your character learn or train their skills? Many years of writing, and eventually getting his first laptop he learned how to use a daw. He also does boxing on the side to keep his body and mind strong
17. What are your character’s life goals? Opening up after school centers where kids can learn how to express themselves creatively
18. If your character saw a crime would they want to intervene? Yes
19. Does your character know the other characters? No not personally but he did witness them fight
20. What’s one place you hang out at/go to/whatever in the city? His parents diner every Friday at 8 pm sharp to perform new works
21. Anything else you want to mention about your character? Elias is about helping others but doesn’t always know when to say no. Some view it at as being naive but he feels he has to help as many people as possible. Especially if he’s goin to do what he envisions himself doing later in life. (Would like to maybe have a mini evil ark where he’s the evil green ranger for awhile…”